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Remembering Our Civil War Veterans
Saturday, July 30, 2016
150th Anniversary of the End of the American Civil War

We remember all of the veterans honored at our flag ceremony and their sacrifices in the service of our country.

Andrew Barlow, NJ 2nd Cavalry, Co. 1
(Submitted by Jack McCormack) 
Michael Comer (Sgt.), NJ 6th Volunteers
(Submitted by Dorothy L. Wright) 
Henry Leander Donnelly, Surgeon
(Submitted by Emily Doherty)
Joseph Douglas (Pvt.), 28th NJ Volunteers
(Submitted by Marjorie Douglas Edelson) 
Owen Fitzsimmons, 2nd NJ Infantry
(Submitted by Jack McCormack) 
William Flett, 29th Regiment, Co. B
(Submitted by Kenneth Wright) 
James Barton Flynn, 3rd NJ
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green) 
Elwyn Shade Green (Col.), 29th NJ
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green)  
George H. Green (Capt.),3rd and 29th NJ 
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green)  
Henry Green, 38th NJ
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green)  
James Green, 29th NJ
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green)  
Jordan Green, 1st NJ Cavalry
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green)   
Garrett Conover Green, USMC USS Susquehanna
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green)   
Egbert Hopper (Pvt.), 12 US Infantry 2nd Batt., Co. C
(Submitted by Adrian Kollogi) 
Michael Howland, 2nd Regiment, Greenville Guards
(Submitted by Phillip Parratt) 
Patrick McCabe, Union Army
(Submitted by Dallas Grove) 
John McCormack, U.S. Navy, USS Colorado
(Submitted by Jack McCormack) 
Michael J. O'Brien (Pvt.), 33rd Regiment, Co. F (drummer)
(Submitted by Adeline Theobald) 
Jacob Powley, 192 Regiment New York, Co. E
(Submitted by Phyllis Fyfe) 
Ira Drew Ryerson (Pvt.), 4th New York Cavalry, Co. G
(Submitted by Jim Gertz) 
Alfred Stonakr, 14th NJ Volunteer Infantry
(Submitted by Robert Landis) 

Ellis Tallman, 29th and 38th NJ
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green) 
Joseph Tallman, 29th NJ
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green)
Thomas S. Tallman, 14th NJ, Company G
(Submitted by the Kiefer Family)
Henry VanKirk, 14th NJ
(Submitted by Michelle and Arthur Green)
George W. Waitt (Cpl.), 13th and 19th NJ Regiments
(Submitted by Robert Waitt) 

Flag Ceremony Photos

Event Promotion

2016-07-30 - Civil War Program (PDF)
Special thanks to our Honor Guard, the members of the 4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry
The Township of Ocean Historical Museum, founded in 1984, is a member-supported, 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey. Its headquarters, the Eden Woolley House, is one of the few 18th-century structures still in existence in the Township. The museum serves as the ancestral home to every citizen of the Township of Ocean. PLEASE NOTE: At the present time, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Museum will only be open on all  Sunday afternoons, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, or request a tour anytime by Calling 732-531-2136 or e-mailing at We will be adding days in the future and will continue to keep you advised. The Township of Ocean Historical Museum offers exhibits on the history of coastal Monmouth County and a full calendar of events. The Museum is also 100% volunteer supported, with no paid staff. The Museum maintains a library and archive, which houses manuscripts, books and photographs of historical and genealogical interest. For more information, please call 732-531-2136 or visit our website at

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